Flock comparison
Reveal growth disparities between flocks by overlaying current statistics with those from a previous or parallel flock. The results will help you weed out issues and rectify them.
Do more with your bird data. Whenever. Wherever.
Now all your bird data will be at your fingertips, wherever you are and on any device. In addition to those provided in our software bundle, BAT Cloud offers even more ways to work with your data which it draws from an unlimited number of scales across all of your farms.
Fully automated, actionable insights of your flocks’ performance
Your data is safe from theft, unlike comparable hardware solutions
Centralised management system for all your weighing activities
With no limit to the number of scales or authorised accounts, BAT Cloud is the perfect solution for working with your data as you scale your business.
BAT Cloud gives you full control over who can access what data. For instance, farm managers will be able to see and work with data from their individual facilities while you, as their supervisor, will be able to see everything.
After integrating your scales to BAT Cloud, you’ll have the freshest statistics available to you when it comes time to make important decisions.
BAT Cloud is designed to work with every BAT scale (except BAT Lite). This makes it possible to draw data from an unlimited combination of scales to provide a more robust overview of your birds.
Reveal growth disparities between flocks by overlaying current statistics with those from a previous or parallel flock. The results will help you weed out issues and rectify them.
From heat waves to sudden drops in feed quality, when the unexpected happens, BAT Cloud will tell you for certain if your flock has been impacted so you can respond accordingly.
Assess your progress by comparing your data to the breeder-recommended growth chart. For even more accurate insights, you can refine your calculations by manually weighing a sample of your flock.
Additionally, BAT Cloud gives you a number of growth charts to choose from, provided by industry-leading breeders, such as Cobb, Aviagen, Hubbard, and many more. You can even create your own growth charts for comparison.
Download your data from BAT Cloud to your computer in CSV format for further processing or recordkeeping.
BAT Cloud runs on the world’s leading cloud service provider – Amazon Web Services. Built to meet the strictest security requirements in the world, the AWS global infrastructure provides you with the fastest possible connection to your data.
Each database operates on virtual machines which can only be controlled by us. No one else (not even Amazon) has access to your data.
All your data is stored in a secure format and any transfers are encrypted. Logins are conducted via Amazon Cognito (Allauth 2 Security Standard) and initially require an authentication token in order to read the data.
Service availability is monitored by Amazon, who notifies us immediately about any potential outages. Additionally, our IT team keeps close watch over everything, so we always know what’s going on.