August 29, 2023

Video: The future of poultry weighing is here

Petr Lolek

Petr Lolek

Business & Sales Manager

The future of poultry weighing is here

The new BAT2 Connect series of automatic bird scales deliver 3 game-changing benefits to increase the efficiency of your farms and improve the quality of your products:

🐥 Accurate and reliable real-time bird weight data to guide your decisions
🖥 Full compatibility and integration with your current farm management system
📈 Maximum insight into flock development, including all crucial statistics and comprehensive weight data.

Petr Lolek

Petr Lolek

Business & Sales Manager

Petr Lolek
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Petr Lolek

Business & Sales Manager

Petr Lolek
Petr Lolek
Business & Sales Manager
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